
The Division of Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry of SPQ cordially invites you to attend the "12th Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry Conference" that will be held in Porto, July 5 and 6 2018. The Conference program includes the disclosure of the recipient of the Alberto Romão Dias Prize 2018, who will deliver a plenary lesson.

1st meeting on MOFsENSing
Inorganic and Hybrid Materials for Sensing


Scientific Committee

Maria da Conceição Rangel (Chair) ICBAS - U. Porto
Baltazar de Castro FC - U. Porto
Joaquim Marçalo IST - U. Lisboa
João Rocha U. Aveiro
João Costa Pessoa IST - U. Lisboa
Maria José Calhorda FC- U. Lisboa
José Moura FCT - U. Nova de Lisboa
Carlos Geraldes FCT - U. Coimbra
A. Jorge Parola FCT - U. Nova de Lisboa

Organizing Committee

Maria da Conceição Rangel
Andreia Leite
André Neto da Silva
Ana Margarida Silva
Tânia Moniz
Raquel Mesquita
Nuno Cerqueira

Secretariado - SPQ

    Cristina Campos
    Leonardo Mendes

Scientific Program

Keynote Speakers

Ana Luísa Daniel da Silva UA
“Surface Functionalization in Engineered Nanoparticle Design for Bioapplications
Carla Nunes FC-UL
“Molybdenum Nanomaterials as Versatile Catalysts
Diana Fernandes FC-UP
“Carbon-based Nanomaterials for Electrocatalysis
Filipe Paz UA
“Structural Flexibility in Phosphonate-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks
Maria Isabel Correia IST-UL
"Speciation and Citotoxicity of Phenanthroline Metal Complexes
Ricardo Franco UNL
"Metal Nanoparticle-based Bionanosensors
Prémio Alberto Romão Dias
Título a anunciar



Registration Fees

Categories Before 17 may 2018 (€) After 17 may 2018 (€)
SPQ member Non SPQ member SPQ member Non SPQ member
Regular 120 170 220 270
Student (PhD) 80 130 180 230
Student (BsC, MsC) 50 100 150 200
Student (BsC, MsC) without conference dinner 25 50 125 150

* Students (Doctoral, Masters and undergraduate students) should certify their student status by sending a copy of their student ID card.

Meeting fee covers:

  • Admission to all the Meeting’s scientific sessions
  • Conference materials
  • Coffee breaks
  • Conference dinner
  • Payment Information
    Bank Transfer
    Titular: Sociedade Portuguesa de Química
    Bank/Banco: Millennium BCP (Lisboa, Pt)
    IBAN: PT50 0033 0000 4534 5670 6780 5


    Oral and poster submissions are expected. The abstracts must follow the formatting instructions of this template and should be submitted in Word file or another compatible format via the online form, along with the mandatory indication of the type of contribution (oral or poster).

    Posters should have a maximum of A0 format (841 × 1189 mm).

    Deadline for abstract submission: 17 th May 2018.

    Personal Area & Online Abstract submission Abstract template Abstract(s) submission - STEPS


    • Abstract Submission: 17th May 2018

    • Registration with discount:17th May 2018


    Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas de Abel Salazar

      R. Jorge de Viterbo Ferreira 228,
      4050-313 Porto
      Coordenadas GPS: Lat.=41,148; Lon.=-8.626;


    Para além da oferta habitual de alojamento em Hotel informa-se a possibilidade de alojamento na:

